Friday, November 21, 2014

Walking on Sunshine: Daylong Light Gel SPF 50+ Review

A little sunshine every day is good for your being. However, over exposure to the sun may cause harm than good because of the unseen little villains called UVA and UVB rays that is present from the sun. Both UVA and UVB play an important role in premature skin aging and wrinkling (primarily due to UVA which penetrated deeply than UVB), eye damage, and sunburn (thanks to UVB. Not). Therefore, aside from keeping those umbrellas up, or hiding from the sun, one way to protect your skin from those villains is by applying sunscreen on your skin. Some says that sunscreen isn’t effective, blah blah but when I saw this video, I totally disagree and said, ‘Never ever ditch the sunblock. Ever’

Therefore, if you want to protect your skin to slow down
skin aging caused by UV rays, you have to invest on sunscreens. I’ve always wanted to try sunscreens but I was scared because 1.) I have a very sensitive skin and 2.) it would cost me a lot (yeah, we all know that sunscreens’ quite pricey. It’s sad if it’ll trigger my
allergies). I suffer from atopic dermatitis, so I need hypoallergenic products on my skin. So when I heard that the makers of Cetaphil will be launching its line of sunscreen in the Philippines, I was so ecstatic. Daylong is my answered prayer. I wanted to try Daylong Kids Lotion SPF 50+ for it is made for sensitive skin and for those who suffer atopic dermatitis, but what I got is Daylong Light Gel SPF 50+ (because it was the cheapest among the rest. HOHO), hoping that it will be gentle on my skin. I got it at Watsons for P 630 packaged in 50ml tube.

What Daylong Light Gel SPF 50+ claims to be:

Suitable even for sun-sensitive skin or oily skin that is prone to breakouts. This formulation is oil-free,  easy to apply, absorbs quickly, and nurtures skin with vitamin E. Photostable UV filters offer very high and effective UVA, UVB and IR protection. Without additional preservatives, emulsifiers, or perfumes.

At first, I thought it’ll have a gel-like texture like clear toothpaste as the name implies but I was quite surprised because its texture is very runny. It is spreadable and can be easily applied on the face. A little amount can go a long way. It feels so light on the skin and there’s no sticky feeling unlike other sun screens. Just be cautious on applying it near the eyes because it kinda sting especially when washing it off.

After a week of using it daily, I am happy that it doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin. I use on a daily basis because I go out every day.

  • Very high spf at 50+
  • Recommended for sensitive skin, to oily skin
  • Easily spreadable and absorbable
  • Not sticky
  • Very light on the face
  • Very water resistant
  • Filters UVA and UVB rays
  • With vitamin E

  • Stings near the eye
  • Pricey
  • Hard to wash off

Verdict: 5/5. I love this. I would definitely recommend this product. Don’t stay long in the sun though and still use your umbrella. Also, apply it 20 mins before going out in the sun.

PS: Visit their site or their like their Facebook fanpage for a chance to receive a year’s supply of Daylong or one of 500 sample sets to be given away!

Have you tried this product? How does it make you feel? Share your thoughts on this product on the comment section below, ladies! 




  1. hard to wash off, so what cleanser to use to clean face

    1. Hi there! Soap and water isn't going to cut it so I recommend using facial foam cleanser or facial scrub. :)

  2. Hi Anna! I'm Sasha Hawkins from Daylong's digital agency. We appreciate your entry about our product and have shared this on our social media pages. We would like to send you a message so can I please have your email address? :) You can also email me here:

    Thanks very much.


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